Personalize texts faster with templates

Instantly customize and send frequently-used messages.

Illustration of sending a text template that reads: Hi Jessica! This is a reminder of your upcoming appointment on July 15. -Paul

What are SMS templates?

SMS templates are reusable texts that allow you to send personalized messages in one click. Simply write your text, add custom fields, and save it as a template. You can enrich templates with images, emojis, and GIFs. Heymarket personalizes each outgoing text, tailoring it to your recipients. Leverage templates for 1:1 chats, list broadcasts, scheduled messages, drip campaigns, and automations.

Benefits of Heymarket’s templates

Text templates speed up conversations and allow you to build workflows that take over repetitive tasks. They expand your communication abilities so you can build more relationships with the resources you already have.

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Respond faster

Use templates for repetitive answers, and create auto replies.

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Personalize outreach

Include custom fields to deliver a tailored experience.

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Streamline workflows

Leverage templates in drip campaigns and automations.

Text message template examples

Text templates can streamline every area of your business, from reaching more leads with targeted promotional texts to engaging existing customers and employees. Here are the top uses for SMS templates. For more ideas and examples you can put into action, explore our SMS template generator.

Promotional messages

Promotional messages are texts sent to increase brand awareness and convert leads. Send one personalized text template to a targeted list of contacts to boost engagement.

Drip campaigns

Drip campaigns are series of texts sent to a list of contacts on a schedule. Create a campaign with marketing templates to nurture leads or re-engage customers.

Sales outreach

Sales outreach that nurtures prospects and leads can increase conversions. Respond to common objections quickly and automate demo follow-ups with SMS templates for sales.

Introductory texts

Introductory texts confirm that recipients want to receive your texts while welcoming them to your SMS service. Automate introductory business SMS templates to send as soon as contacts opt in.

Customer service

Templates take over repetitive tasks so you can spend more time solving complex queries. Use SMS templates for customer service to answer FAQs quickly and automate follow-ups.

After hours messages

After-hours text message auto-replies set expectations with contacts. Include business hours in your after-hours template, updating it for holiday closings.

Check out our full feature list

Build strong connections with the people who matter most to your business with Heymarket’s powerful text messaging features.

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What customers say about Heymarket

60% response rate

“Heymarket’s Salesforce SMS integration makes messaging leads and customers a smooth experience for our agents.”

10x Increase in agent capacity

“The biggest thing about being able to text with our customers is the relationship we’re able to build. Messaging is key for referrals and retention.”

12% increase in productivity

“Replying quickly to incoming queries has empowered our team to earn customer trust and build valuable relationships.”