Nurture relationships through drip campaigns

Send series of personalized messages to your contact lists.

A bubble titled “Message 1” that says “Hello First Name, welcome to the VIP club!” and below it, a second bubble titled “Message 2” that says “Hi! Hope you’re enjoying your Product Name.”

What is a campaign?

A drip campaign is a sequence of texts sent over a designated period of time. With Heymarket, you have the flexibility to select recipients (lists or individuals) and the number or messages you’d like to send. You can choose the intervals between messages, whether it’s a number of days or a set of specific dates and times. Additionally, if you include custom field information in the templates, Heymarket will personalize each outgoing message.

Benefits of Heymarket’s campaigns

Campaigns are useful for everything from appointment reminders to product drop announcements. Delivering a series of targeted messages at strategic intervals helps you build connections that last.

Clock icon

Send on your

Schedule messages to send at certain intervals or specific dates and times.

Automations icon

Automate recipient

Create automations to enroll or remove recipients based on their actions.

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Track campaign

Use campaign reports to measure engagement, unsubscribes, and deliveries.

What customers say about Heymarket

60% response rate

“Heymarket’s Salesforce SMS integration makes messaging leads and customers a smooth experience for our agents.”

10x Increase in agent capacity

“The biggest thing about being able to text with our customers is the relationship we’re able to build. Messaging is key for referrals and retention.”

12% Increase in productivity

“Replying quickly to incoming queries has empowered our team to earn customer trust and build valuable relationships.”

Check out our full feature list

Build strong connections with the people who matter most to your business with Heymarket’s powerful text messaging features.

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