Conversational sales is a new and popular omnichannel messaging strategy. Adopting it—like adopting any new strategy—can seem like a daunting task. But there’s a good chance your team is already using many conversational sales tactics.
What Is Conversational Sales?
Conversational sales is a messaging-based strategy. It focuses on authentic, person-to-person conversations that help interested leads choose the right products for them. It’s sometimes also referred to as sales text messaging or sales SMS.
Conversational sales prioritizes incoming conversations. It encourages teams to focus on answering queries, offering insider information and recommending products or services when leads need help. Supporting leads who are trying to make purchase decisions makes the customer experience more convenient—and expedites sales.
Here are five ways you’re already using this strategy.
You Prefer Communicating via Text or Messaging
Conversational sales is a messaging strategy. It’s all about the convenience of connecting with leads through accessible messaging channels. Reps using this strategy encourage chats via messaging as opposed to email, phone, chatbots, or contacting them through a form.
There’s a good chance your team prefers communicating via messaging already. After all, 90% of leads prefer to receive texts. It’s a great way to boost engagement with leads.
Tip: If you decide to adopt conversational sales, offer as many entry points as possible. Integrating with multiple messaging services makes it more convenient for leads to connect with your team. Offer native SMS, Facebook Messenger, Instagram Messaging, WhatsApp Apple Business Chat, and Google’s Business Messages. If you have an omnichannel messaging platform, all of the messages from these channels will arrive side-by-side in one shared inbox.
You Prioritize Inbound Conversations
Conversational sales focuses on inbound conversations. When leads message in with product, service, or other sales-related questions, sales team members can quickly answer them and start more in-depth conversations.
Your sales team may already also prioritize inbound conversations. While there’s always a place for outbound messaging campaigns, it’s often more effective to connect with leads who are already interested in your brand and likely ready to buy.
Tip: Conversational sales encourages responsiveness for inbound conversations. The more responsive you are, the more likely leads are to reach out the next time they have questions. Set up during-hours and after-hours auto replies so leads always know that you’ve received their queries and will respond soon.
You Focus on Building Relationships
Conversational sales aims to keep leads connecting with sales teams time and time again. It’s more about creating long-term relationships than helping salespeople hit one-time quotas.
Today, most sales teams are also interested in long-term relationships as opposed to one-off sales. (This is especially true for subscription and VIP brands.) Instead of ending your interest in leads once they’ve placed orders or booked services, you’re more likely to follow up with them and ensure they’re happy with their purchases.
Tip: Following up with leads is a critical part of continuing long-term customer relationships. It’s also a foundational conversational sales tactic. Messaging makes it easy. Simply schedule follow-ups right after completing conversations. Include a reference to original conversations and your signature so recipients remember who you are right away.
Conversational Sales is Texting Authentically
Conversational sales emphasizes the importance of making authentic, person-to-person connections. It encourages sales teams to use natural, casual language when chatting with leads. This helps them feel comfortable. Plus, they’ll know they’re chatting with a human, not a bot.
You probably encourage making real connections with leads through authenticity, too. Leads are simply more likely to enjoy talking to you if they feel like they’re having a genuine conversation.
Tip: In addition to using a casual, natural tone, use messaging-specific tools to get your personality across to leads. For example, you may want to use emojis where appropriate.
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