Tailor platform access with custom user roles

Create unique permission sets to fit your organization.

An app window with the title “Roles and Permissions.” Below it is a left column titled “Name,” with four names listed underneath. To the right is a “Role” window with four options: owner, team administrator, contact administrator, and member. To the right of that is a column titled “Permissions” and multiple clickable circles.

What are custom user roles and permissions?

Custom user roles allow you to take full control of your access to your Heymarket platform. While all Heymarket users can assign standard user roles, Pro and Enterprise users can designate their own user roles, choosing from over 20 permissions to tailor security to fit their team and business.

Benefits of Heymarket’s custom roles and permissions

Basic roles and permissions are a critical aspect of team administration, helping you secure your platform. Custom roles and permissions go one step further, improving security while providing the flexibility your team needs.

Yellow and green checkmarks icon

Customize platform access

Craft roles tailored to team members’ responsibilities.

Icon of triangle, square, and rounded squares

Control internal usage

Gain granular control over platform access.

Security and Compliance Tips icon

Protect contact data

Minimize exposure of sensitive data and message content.

What customers say about Heymarket

60% response rate

“Heymarket’s Salesforce SMS integration makes messaging leads and customers a smooth experience for our agents.”

10x Increase in agent capacity

“The biggest thing about being able to text with our customers is the relationship we’re able to build. Messaging is key for referrals and retention.”

12% Increase in productivity

“Replying quickly to incoming queries has empowered our team to earn customer trust and build valuable relationships.”

Check out our full feature list

Build strong connections with the people who matter most to your business with Heymarket’s powerful text messaging features.

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