Announcing Chat-Based SMS Surveys

SMS surveys

SMS surveys are a convenient way to collect customer satisfaction (CSAT) feedback. But previously, you had to send them from outside of your customer conversations, using links or a separate number. Customers were less likely to respond—and you were less likely to receive crucial feedback. 

Until Heymarket’s chat-based SMS surveys. 

A Seamless Solution for SMS Surveys 

Heymarket’s new chat-based SMS surveys allow you to send CSAT surveys within existing messaging conversations. Customers complete these quick surveys without leaving their current chats.

Chat-based SMS surveys are more convenient for customers, who can reply promptly via text. This convenience increases customer response rates, empowering you to collect more actionable, in-the-moment feedback. 

These surveys also empower you to continue building personalized, seamless connections with your customers, contributing to a positive conversational texting experience. 

How to Build Chat-Based SMS Surveys

When building a survey, you have full flexibility to customize the language of the three main components:

  • Opening question. This is a request for customers to review your service on a simple, numbered scale.
  • Follow-up question. This is an open-ended feedback request that customers can respond to using free text. This question is dynamic, which means you can create a different follow-up question for each possible response to the opening question.
  • Closing message. This is a final text thanking customers for their participation. It’s a great opportunity to emphasize that you value their input. 

Building a chat-based SMS survey

If customers respond with additional questions (or any invalid survey responses), Heymarket will automatically close those surveys and notify the relevant team members.

Read this blog post for more details about setting up chat-based SMS surveys—and for examples of what your questions might look like. 

How to Send Surveys

You can send chat-based SMS surveys from individual text conversations or to segmented lists of customers. 

After you resolve a customer’s question, you can send that customer their pre-built survey with the click of a button. To reach multiple customers at once, you can select a Heymarket list and send a survey to all of the list members. 

Once you send a survey, it will automatically interact with the customers, walking them through the three components. 

The Chat-Based SMS Survey Experience

So what exactly does the process look like? 

As soon as you send the initial numerical opening question, customers reply. Then, Heymarket automatically sends the open-ended follow-up question. After customers respond to that, Heymarket sends your closing note. If customers respond with additional questions (or any invalid survey responses), Heymarket closes the surveys and sends those questions right to you, complete with notifications.

When Can You Start Using Chat-Based SMS Surveys?

Heymarket Plus and Pro customers can access the Beta version of chat-based SMS surveys starting today. Email if you have any questions or suggestions for this new feature—or if you want to upgrade your account to access it!


Want to see chat-based SMS surveys in action? Try Heymarket for free today.


Sophia Huneycutt is Heymarket's lead writer, producing everything from articles to eBooks. She works closely with Heymarket's product and customer service teams to help convey the latest business texting best practices. A B2B technology writer since the mid-2010s, Sophia has also worked with brands like Microsoft and Indiegogo. Her dying potted plants wish she'd stick to writing in her spare time, too.
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