Port your existing number to Heymarket

Text from the business number you already use.

Illustration with text

What is the port number feature?

Text from your existing business line with the port number feature. Heymarket allows you to port over your landline, VoIP, toll-free, and mobile numbers. By porting your existing number, you can continue to build relationships with your contacts from the familiar number they already communicate with. Note that to port an existing mobile number, you will lose the voice portion of the number.

Benefits of Heymarket’s port number feature

Expand your business’s communication options in minutes. Make it easier for contacts to get in touch through their favorite channels.

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Start texting quickly

Port your number’s SMS service in a few steps with our support.

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Provide omnichannel support

Let people call or text your business line.

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Unify your branding

Use a single, recognizable number.

What customers say about Heymarket

60% response rate

“Heymarket’s Salesforce SMS integration makes messaging leads and customers a smooth experience for our agents.”

10x Increase in agent capacity

“The biggest thing about being able to text with our customers is the relationship we’re able to build. Messaging is key for referrals and retention.”

12% increase in productivity

“Replying quickly to incoming queries has empowered our team to earn customer trust and build valuable relationships.”

Check out our full feature list

Build strong connections with the people who matter most to your business with Heymarket’s powerful text messaging features.

Learn more