Target your texts with segmentation

Organize your SMS contacts into lists using contact details and custom fields.

Contacts list with filter pane on the left

What is contact segmentation?

Heymarket lets you divide your recipients into lists based on shared characteristics. This feature—contact segmentation—makes it easy to send tailored messages to targeted groups. You can segment contacts by basic details like city and state. You can also do advanced segmentation by filtering for any custom fields in your Heymarket platform or your CRM.

Benefits of Heymarket’s contact segmentation

Brands that use personalized SMS flow see an ROI of 4x. Segmenting contacts into lists helps you target your outreach, boosting open and reply rates. Lists are also a building block for tools like personalized mass texts and drip campaigns.

Icon of triangle, square, and rounded squares

Organize contacts

Divide recipients into lists based on shared characteristics.

lightening bolt icon

Automate segmentation

Create automations that add contacts to lists.

Chat bubble icon

Streamline outreach

Use lists to send one-to-many texts and set up drip campaigns.

What customers say about Heymarket

60% response rate

“Heymarket’s Salesforce SMS integration makes messaging leads and customers a smooth experience for our agents.”

10x Increase in agent capacity

“The biggest thing about being able to text with our customers is the relationship we’re able to build. Messaging is key for referrals and retention.”

12% increase in productivity

“Replying quickly to incoming queries has empowered our team to earn customer trust and build valuable relationships.”

Check out our full feature list

Build strong connections with the people who matter most to your business with Heymarket’s powerful text messaging features.

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