4 Best Practices for Using Surveys in Business Text Messaging

Close-up of a person doing a business text messaging survey

High survey response rates can help you change your business for the better. Here are four best practices for using surveys in business text messaging. Use them to achieve high response rates while streamlining your process to the fullest. 

Best Practice #1: Use Chat-Based SMS Surveys When Possible

Some business text messaging platforms offer chat-based SMS survey tools. These SMS surveys mean you don’t have to text customers with links to external surveys. You can send surveys through business SMS that customers respond to with quick texts. 

In-message surveys:

  • Can automate follow-up questions and thank-you notes
  • Reduce the amount of steps customers take to complete surveys
  • Keep all customer history, from messages to survey responses, in a single location
  • Empower your team to respond immediately if customers mention urgent issues

Your business text messaging platform should make it easy to create, adjust, send, and review chat-based SMS surveys. Keep these questionnaires short and simple; ask for numbered responses with the option for extended feedback at the end.  

Best Practice #2: Use Business Text Messaging to Support Survey Completion

Whether or not you use in-message business SMS surveys, you can use business SMS to support the survey process. SMS survey support is an effective tool for encouraging customers to answer surveys. 

To support the survey process, you can text customers with:

  • Survey reminders
  • Response receipt confirmation notifices
  • Response follow-ups

You can also respond to any questions customers have through the same channel. Business text messaging is a powerful tool for efficiently managing the administrative side of surveys so you can get to the real task at hand: reviewing customers’ opinions about your brand. 

Best Practice #3: Send Surveys at the Opportune Moment

There are key moments when you’ll want to send SMS surveys or SMS survey support texts. In general, you’ll want to text customers after they’ve had an interaction of some kind with your brand. 

Depending on the type of survey, you may want to send SMS surveys after:

  • Customer support interactions
  • Order receipt
  • Services completion
  • Ticket resolution

After these situations, send your surveys promptly. The interaction will be fresh in their minds, and they’ll be more likely to respond. 

Best Practice #4: Personalize Your Business Text Messaging Surveys

Personalizing your SMS survey messages will help you boost responses. Customers want to know that you are interested in hearing about their specific, individual experience. 

Be sure to:

  • Create multiple surveys based on the inciting interaction type (i.e., order receipt vs. ticket resolution)
  • Send surveys to smaller lists of customers to ensure they’re tailored to the customers’ situation
  • Use custom fields to personalize text content with first names, loyalty statuses, etc. 

Tailoring SMS surveys to your recipients helps customers understand your commitment to their individual experience. This level of detail is a great way to encourage them to respond.


Want to learn more about SMS surveys? Check out our blog.

Sophia Huneycutt is Heymarket's lead writer, producing everything from articles to eBooks. She works closely with Heymarket's product and customer service teams to help convey the latest business texting best practices. A B2B technology writer since the mid-2010s, Sophia has also worked with brands like Microsoft and Indiegogo. Her dying potted plants wish she'd stick to writing in her spare time, too.
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