Companies are still dealing with the impact of COVID-19 a year after it started. While the end is in sight thanks to vaccines, your team still has to ensure that your business SMS content remains sensitive. You can’t risk alienating customers or potential customers who are feeling the long-term impact of the pandemic.
But creating COVID-19-sensitive business text messaging content hasn’t gotten much easier. It’s hard to decide which content is appropriate and which isn’t. That’s why we put together this handy guide for your team.
Read on to learn how to keep SMS content sensitive during COVID-19.
Emphasize Your Customer Service
Right now, a lot of things are up in the air for customers. Businesses are continually changing their policies and operations processes. Focus most of your business SMS content on keeping customers well-informed and, as much as you can, cared for by your brand.
Send customer service-focused business SMS content that:
- Informs customers about brand-new services (e.g., local delivery, curbside pickup, etc.)
- Notifies customers about order updates
- Lets customers know about any company-wide changes
- Reminds customers about your product care options
- Highlights any COVID-19 relief programs your brand creates or contributes to
Making customer service a priority for your business SMS content is a good move during COVID-19—and beyond. It’s the best way to build strong customer relationships that last through difficult times.
Offer Product Tips (Especially Reuse Tips)
Right now, you may want to focus on customers who already have your products. They may be waiting for a more financially stable time to purchase more. Product tips are a great way to engage them, and let them know exactly how valuable and reusable your products are.
Use business SMS to send product tips that:
- Show customers new use cases
- Reveal best practices customers may not know about
- Highlight specific customers’ case studies
- Introduce them to reusing or upcycling ideas for one-time products
Engaging customers with product tips is one of the best ways to keep them interested in and engaged with your brand. More importantly, it encourages them to get the most they can out of your products. Then, when they feel more financially stable, they’ll head straight to your business to make more purchases.
Center Content Around Home-Bound and Essential Workers
The majority of the population is still on some form of self-imposed or state-imposed lockdown. If they’re not at home, they’re working critical jobs on the front lines. Center your business SMS content around these home-bound and essential workers.
Ensure that your business text messaging content:
- Focuses on home-based or outdoor activities
- Emphasizes comfort and relaxation
- Mentions or hints at social distancing
- Highlights the bravery of essential workers
Content that focuses on home life will appeal to nearly all of your customers, since they’re all experiencing the same thing. Be sure to text during work hours, too. It’s a lot harder for your customers to manage their work/life balance when they’re working from home, and they’ll appreciate the help.
Focus Conversational Marketing on More Accessible Products
Nearly everyone has experienced some form of financial worry during the pandemic. This is not the time to push your top-of-the-line products. Customers are more likely to be looking for less extravagant options.
Promote the following items through business SMS:
- All products with COVID-19-specific benefits (e.g., air purifiers, masks, loungewear, etc.)
- Your baseline subscriptions or products
- Combination purchases that offer discounts
Remember that your conversational marketing content should be less about making sales, and more about starting conversations. Consider polls, Q&A sessions, and expert case studies as opposed to coupons and sale announcements.
Need more tips for business text messaging during COVID-19? Check out our blog.