3 Ways Business SMS Supports Accounting Firms

business SMS for accounting

In the U.S., there are over 1.26 million accountants and auditors working for themselves or accounting firms. As the U.S. economy continues to grow, these small and large accounting businesses are taking on more and more clients eager to make the most of their earnings. But connecting with and managing expanding client bases has become a challenge—which is why many accountants are turning to business SMS for help.

Business SMS entails the use of cloud-based texting platforms to help accounting firms send, receive, and organize client communications. These platforms are secure and fast, empowering firms to provide clients with the kind of high-quality service their critical assets require. 

Accounting firms unfamiliar with business SMS might wonder how a simple communication channel can support so many aspects of their operations. That’s why we rounded up the top 4 ways business SMS can support accounting firms. 

Let’s jump in. 

Business SMS Expedites Daily Accounting Communications

Clients want to keep tabs on important financial account dates and deadlines. Consequently, accounting firms send communications to their clients on a regular basis—particularly if they’re working against an important deadline

While sensitive data regarding exact account details should be left to in-person or password-protected delivery channels, simple communications are perfectly appropriate for business SMS. These simple communications can include: 

  • Status updates
  • Paperwork reminders
  • Links to secure sites

When firms send these communications through email, clients often don’t see them in time. In some cases, like when an estimated tax payment deadline is closing in or an accountant has a critical question, it’s critical that clients see firm messages immediately. 

With business SMS, clients quickly incoming firm messages. In fact, texts have a 98% open rate and an average response time of 90 seconds. As an added plus, business SMS platforms allow accounting firms to personalize mass texts, so they can send detailed reminders or updates in a single click to all relevant clients. 

Real-life example: 

Davies Allen, a Utah-based accounting firm, has three offices across Utah and serves clients across the country. One of their key concerns is understanding client needs and helping fill them. To ensure they’re on the same page with clients at all times, accountants send them regular updates. While emails and voicemails weren’t fast or convenient enough for clients, Davies Allen has found that sending messages through business SMS is fast enough to keep clients up to date on timely issues. 

Business SMS Adds A Personal Touch

Today’s clients have many options when it comes to managing their finances. Some choose to manage accounts themselves or through online advisors, while others stick with full-service accounting firms. Those clients who are drawn to full-service accounting firms are often interested in one key thing: personal connections.Person texting

Accounting firms that offer the most authentic connections with their clients are more likely to keep their clients happy. Business SMS is a great way to add that personal touch. 

Accounting firms can use business SMS’s enterprise-level features to:

  • Add accountants’ or advisors’ signatures to messages
  • Personalize mass texts 
  • Send regular check-ins

Establishing a positive, trusting, and personal relationship with clients can even help firms grow their client base. In fact, Vanguard found that 94% of investors were likely to give a referral when they “highly trusted” their advisors.

Real-life example: 

Accountants with Davies Allen don’t just want to understand client needs—they want clients to feel like success is a top priority. To ensure clients know how important their goals are, the firm uses business SMS to send regular updates regarding key items like changes in laws, reminders about filing dates, and planning considerations. 

Business SMS Improves Team Collaboration

When it comes to client communications, it can be difficult for all members of a firm to remain on the same page. Most firms use multiple business apps, and it can be difficult to keep CRM systems and other apps updated with accurate client data. 

With a business SMS platform, permissioned accounting firm members can access a single inbox. All client messages, whether they’re from native texting apps or over-the-top (OTT) apps like Facebook Messenger, arrive in this inbox. Teams can review and respond to messages in this location. Some platforms offer SMS integrations with key platforms like Slack, so teams can collaborate and respond to client messages within a single platform. Additionally, SMS CRM integrations allow platforms to sync automatically, keeping contacts updated. 

A centralized inbox and SMS integrations allow teams to:

  • Ensure no customer messages slip through the cracks
  • Collaborate on key messages without switching between platforms
  • Access accurate information at all times

With these team-centric features, firms can provide more efficient, accurate service to clients. 

Real-life example: 

Davies Allen wanted to improve team collaboration, and so integrated their business SMS platform with Slack. Now, when clients text in, accountants receive immediate Slack alerts. Client text messages appear in a dedicated channel that can leverage all Slack features. Their platform automatically creates one thread per client, ensuring messages are secure and segmented. The team can read incoming messages, then an appropriate accountant can reply. This Slack integration has improved transparency and teamwork throughout the firm.


Want to use business SMS in your accounting firm? Try our text service for business for free today.

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